Sunday 6 November 2011

Suspense Versus Truth

Oh, dear Truth, you hold me captive every few moments, mess with my brain as if it’s entertainment. But it’s not, it really isn’t. I am thoroughly confused. You may not understand what I am talking about, not that it’s the details that really matter, in this case.
            If you wanted to know the truth, Truth, I sometimes feel like people can’t say what they feel. The surface stuff matters—of course, it is who people are, but it doesn’t say what they feel. I guess I never had a problem with it before, until now, but the details aren’t exactly needed.
            I can talk to some people and spill my guts completely, because I feel safe. I know my thoughts aren’t being tampered with. I’m alright with certain people.
            And then there are others. I try to fish out information, analyze the situation to figure it out on my own. But I get scared to outright ask what the person is feeling, if the person is feeling anything at all.
            I feel as if I’m stuck in a pool of suspense and I don’t know what to think. If people could just be straightforward—including me—the world may be just a bit too truthful, but the world would also be so much easier to understand. No conflicting feelings, just the outright truth. And sometimes it will hurt.
            But at least I won’t have to keep on guessing, right?

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