Wednesday 31 October 2012


Everybody has them, so I thought I’d spend a few moments talking about them. Besides, I’m trying to understand why people continue with these vices even when they learn it’s bad. The book I’m going to write requires it.
            A vice is an immoral or wicked behavior. Honestly, I wish they didn’t exist, but banishing the word won’t do anything to stop them from appearing in every human being, so I guess that’s wishful thinking.
            But truthfully, even I, striving to be ‘perfect’, have vices. Maybe it’s the thrill of being bad or going against the rules, or maybe it’s the simple fact that I suck at ignoring temptation, but I tend to make up excuses when I’m about to do something… against my morals.
            I’ve never stolen and I’ve never killed. I’m not a bad person. Nobody really is in the end, but sometimes people get so caught up in their heads that they forget how their actions might affect the world around them.
            Again, I know I’m being vague. That could be a vice of mine. My excuse is that I don’t want people to know all the insecurities and flaws that come with my personality, and I’ll do anything to keep that side of me hidden. I am utterly convinced that the reason nobody knows me is because I'm scared they won't like me. But I want to be a good person, and I believe many, even those with the worse vices, probably want to be it too.
            Some people just need a helping hand sometimes.

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